Veteran and rookie TMSA members alike have leveraged their membership status to achieve more value from the association beyond just reading newsletters and attending conferences. Volunteers say participating gives them dynamic networking and learning opportunities by working side-by-side with other industry professionals while serving on the Board of Directors or on a committee.
The Board of Directors oversees the management of TMSA and serves as a guiding voice for the association. It is a mix of both sales and marketing professionals, as well as a range of company and member types.
The TMSA Education Committee is the brainpower behind all the awesome content and programming you see at TMSA. The committee helps plan and execute the Annual Logistics Marketing & Sales Conference, webinars, and more!
The TMSA Marketing Committee is divided into two powerhouse subcommittees: Marketing Strategy and Marketing Promotions. Both teams work diligently to assist TMSA Headquarters in executing the promotion and strategy behind TMSA marketing initiatives.
The TMSA Recognition Committee is the driving force behind the Recognition program and the celebration of winners at the TMSA Annual Conference. From promotion to judging, this committee works hard to showcase the very best that sales and marketers in transportation and logistics have to offer.
The TMSA Membership Committee examines ways to build value in the association, as well as engaging with members to ensure they are getting the most from their membership. From reaching out to new members to assisting with membership growth, this group of individuals is key to TMSA's success.
The DEI Taskforce is designed to help TMSA and its member companies incorporate a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) lens into the framework of their organizations by creating content and training.
TMSA wants to grow with its members, so from time to time there are special taskforces for specific projects to make sure we are hitting the mark for our members.
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